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About Paradee

paradee thomas headshot

Paradee Thomas is an International #1 Best Selling author, speaker and coach. Her book – Re­Invent Yourself: Business, Career and Personal Transformation has reached #1 Best Selling status in 29 categories and across 5 countries in US, UK, Australia, Canada and Germany. For a period of over 25 years, Paradee Thomas consulted to large corporate clients on IT Projects and Business Management. Specialisation in transformation is her hallmark.

Paradee was often given a difficult job of turning around a project or business operation with hundreds of people involved. Paradee has instilled the key elements of transformational success principles that she has learned and implemented in her clients’ Business over the past 25 years and applied them to her personal life over and over again. The principles outlined in this book will save you years of trial and error!

You can benefit from the content of this book without having to spend years of your life experimenting. Why do we have to Re­invent ourselves, you may ask! We all have to evolve with time to increase happiness, personal fulfilment and self­worth. Change does not have to be hard. The Principles in this book will help you transform your business, career and personal life with ease and fun. Transformation is a journey and it can be so rewarding when you know how.

Discover Your Genius

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein


7 Transforming Principles to Increase Happiness, Work­Life Balance and the Self­Worth of Your Inner Child

re-invent yourself book cover

This book is written with the intent that the readers can gain the maximum benefits and effectiveness in transforming their “Business, Career and Personal Life” from where they are to where they want to be with ease and fun. This is a series of three books commencing with this book as Book One.

Book One consists of 7 principles to guide the transformation process. These principles act as sign posts to assure the readers that they are on the right track.

Book Two consists of 7 Steps to follow to reach the desired outcome. The content of the book takes the readers step by step through their transformation journey. There is no second­guessing here! The journey will be pleasant and rewarding.

Book Three provides the motivational aspects to ensure that the readers keep pursuing their goals day in and day out without stopping. The motivational elements outlined in the book act as the glue between the steps in the previous books.

The Series contains a complete process of transforming your business, career or personal life at any stage of the growth cycle. By following this proven system that the author has used for herself and her clients over a period of 25 years, the desired results are assured!


Find peace in uncertainty

We were born, given a name, told what to do and not to do, and then sent to school…. At school – we were told to arrive at a certain time, show up everyday, memorize certain things, follow the timetable, and don’t cause troubles. Then we enter the workforce – and the cycle repeats ….show…

The Inner Voice

We all have experienced that little voice inside us that speaks to us every now and then. Sometimes we think we are just imagining it. But are we? That little voice comes in different names like – Intuition, a hunch or a funny feeling inside. Sometimes it’s a warning. Sometimes it’s a prompt to act…

Are you excited about your future or are you afraid of your past?

Understanding your motivation is important because motivation is usually the starting point for every action we take in our life. How we’re motivated can tell us whether or not we’ll be happy about the things we’re doing, or later become depressed with regret. If you’ve got a target or goal you want to see fulfilled…

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