Are you Ready for 2019?

   What is your intention for 2019? Which direction is your compass pointing towards?    

Are you Ready for 2019?

8 years ago 0 0

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We expect a new year to come around every 12 months, and yet very few people are ready for it.

Why is that, I wonder?

One thing for sure is that Time is given to each of us equally.
Time has no favor, no bias and makes no surprises!

We each get 24 hours a day fair and square regardless of nationality, language or the amount of money he/she has in the bank. It is what we do with the time we have that makes the difference in our lives.

When I was growing up,  Read More

   “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein   

Special Talents

9 years ago 1 0

At school, when a new concept was introduced in class, I was often left dissatisfied by the answers given by my teachers when I would ask the teacher to explain certain aspects of the concept!  I wasn’t trying to be difficult. I just wanted to break the concept down into basic components that would assist my understanding. While I got good grade for the subject discussed, I was labelled as a ‘slow learner’ as a result of asking too many questions! How would you feel about that comment?

That must have dampened my self-esteem somewhat.  Not that I knew much about the subconscious mind and how every little piece of information – good or bad- can influent your belief in yourself.

I remember as a teenager, I used to look at how people do things and wondered to myself why those adults did those things that way!  It seemed unnecessarily  Read More


Discover Your Genius

   “A step in the wrong direction is better than staying on the spot all our life. Once you are moving forward you can correct your course as you go. Your automatic guidance system cannot guide you when you stand still.” -Maxwell Maltz   

Say YES to your dreams

9 years ago 1 0

Principle #7 in my book: Re-Invent Yourself is NEVER GIVE UP.  These are more than just feel good words.  It’s a universal principle that will deliver if you are patient and diligent. You will find no greater challenge in your life to persevere against the grain when you are trying to cut a new trail.

To give up is to cut the momentum circuit! Set back and unexpected mishaps are inevitable. These are part of growth. You need to keep moving because you can’t steer a parked car. No course correction can happen if you stand still.

“A step in the wrong direction is better than staying on the spot all our life.

Once you are moving forward you can correct your course as you go.

Your automatic guidance system cannot guide you when you stand still.”

Maxwell Maltz

Just think about it. You’re stepping into new and uncharted territory.  Read More

   Are you excited about your future, or are you afraid of your past?   

Are you excited about your future or are you afraid of your past?

9 years ago 1

Understanding your motivation is important because motivation is usually the starting point for every action we take in our life.

How we’re motivated can tell us whether or not we’ll be happy about the things we’re doing, or later become depressed with regret.

If you’ve got a target or goal you want to see fulfilled in your life, that’s great. But how do you feel about that target or goal? Are you happy, drawn to it, and completely ecstatic about the idea of finally being able to pursue your dreams?

Or do you feel a sense of relief at the fact that you’re finally going to be able to get away? It doesn’t matter from what, but you know that when you look around, you don’t like where you are and you need an out.

Did you know that two people can be heading in the same direction but motivated  Read More