Find peace in uncertainty

We were born, given a name, told what to do and not to do, and then sent to school…. At school – we were told to arrive at a certain time, show up everyday, memorize certain things, follow the timetable, and don’t cause troubles. Then we enter the workforce – and the cycle repeats ….show…

The Inner Voice

We all have experienced that little voice inside us that speaks to us every now and then. Sometimes we think we are just imagining it. But are we? That little voice comes in different names like – Intuition, a hunch or a funny feeling inside. Sometimes it’s a warning. Sometimes it’s a prompt to act…

Are you excited about your future or are you afraid of your past?

Understanding your motivation is important because motivation is usually the starting point for every action we take in our life. How we’re motivated can tell us whether or not we’ll be happy about the things we’re doing, or later become depressed with regret. If you’ve got a target or goal you want to see fulfilled…

Are you Ready for 2019?

We expect a new year to come around every 12 months, and yet very few people are ready for it. Why is that, I wonder? One thing for sure is that Time is given to each of us equally. Time has no favor, no bias and makes no surprises! We each get 24 hours a…

Special Talents

At school, when a new concept was introduced in class, I was often left dissatisfied by the answers given by my teachers when I would ask the teacher to explain certain aspects of the concept!  I wasn’t trying to be difficult. I just wanted to break the concept down into basic components that would assist…

Say YES to your dreams

Principle #7 in my book: Re-Invent Yourself is NEVER GIVE UP.  These are more than just feel good words.  It’s a universal principle that will deliver if you are patient and diligent. You will find no greater challenge in your life to persevere against the grain when you are trying to cut a new trail….