Find peace in uncertainty

We were born, given a name, told what to do and not to do, and then sent to school….

At school – we were told to arrive at a certain time, show up everyday, memorize certain things, follow the timetable, and don’t cause troubles.

Then we enter the workforce – and the cycle repeats ….show up everyday, follow the routine, and don’t ask too many questions!

We have been given a ‘program’ and conditioned from day one to expect certainty.

How do you feel when everything suddenly changes around you?
… your friends moved on
… your favorite coffee shop closed
… your workplace moved
… your children’s school closed
… your loved ones passed

Mankind has been through quite a bit of turmoil over the last few years, haven’t we? Fortunately, the many ‘lockdowns’ gave me great opportunities to read more, research more, dig deeper into many subjects that I would otherwise not have time to look into. To my delight, many things have been revealed and come to light. Not always pleasant. Some truths are shocking to discover.

Where do you go when everything you thought to be true isn’t quite the case?  I just go within! Listen to my inner voice. Follow my intuition. I find strength in just ‘staying quiet’ and connecting to the universe. Breath work helps tremendously. It is good for our health too, not just for the mind. Try it!

If you are someone who does not like being alone, go out and walk in the park. Hug a tree. Watch children play and listen to their laughter. Smell the roses. Feel the breezes and enjoy nature.

Have you heard of the saying ‘Change is the only certainty of life’? When you are confronted with many changes around you, decide what resonates with you and embrace it. Ignore what’s not for you. Just follow your heart.

Stay strong!! Just hang in there!