The Inner Voice

We all have experienced that little voice inside us that speaks to us every now and then. Sometimes we think we are just imagining it. But are we?

That little voice comes in different names like – Intuition, a hunch or a funny feeling inside. Sometimes it’s a warning. Sometimes it’s a prompt to act on a certain thing. But we often ignore that little voice, don’t we? Especially when we are busy, we just let that voice ride on by!

One very memorable event in my life was in 2008 when my inner voice said ‘Sell all the stocks’. That really took me by surprise. I wondered why I heard such a prompt. The stock market was strong. Shares were going up, up, up. There was no sign of any need to sell anything at that time. The voice was getting louder by the day, So I thought I should follow the lead of my little voice within. I began to offload the shares I had – bit by bit. It took me two weeks to complete the task. A week later, the world witnessed the biggest market crash in our human history – the Global Financial Crisis!

I find that the more I listen to that inner voice of mine, the more it speaks to me! I guess no one wants to be ignored. Right?

At the end of 2019, I was prompted to cancel a trip that I had booked to take in 2020. We all remember the Pandemic in 2020 which would have prevented me from taking that trip!!

We often hear advice from some wise person like ‘trust yourself’. I suppose listening to your inner voice is like trusting yourself. How often do we let our logical mind cloud our inner voice?  ‘Oh, that does not make sense’, we’d argue with the little voice!!

I have learned not to argue with my inner voice anymore. It is so good to know that I have a faithful friend who has my interest at heart and is always looking after me 24/7!!